.....Where my thoughts and Creativity flows free

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beginner Gypsy Mistakes!!

OK, So I get the Gypsy yesterday, and update it and the imagine.  All seems to be well.  It did say done and keep running the green update line but I just stopped it and it was fine. I connected to the "I" and quickly figured out to hit the button on the G to talk to the I for the cut.   

I create my first project and put my 4 colors of paper on my mat to correspond with the Gypsy screen keeping in mind the top right where it says "load mat this way".  Everything printed up and to the right. 
So if you look at my mat picture below it goes Yellow Top Left: Green Top Right: Turquoise Bottom Left: Orange Bottom Right......

It printed......The Orange on Turquoise, the Turquoise on the Yellow, the Yellow on the Green and the Green on the Orange!!!  Uggghh... So then I set up the Gypsy again and this time arranged my colors on my paper accounting for the shift..........and I did get the stuff to print correctly........but not really.  Because they printed correctly by me accounting for the shift !! 

Here's the kicker........after all of this I notice on the Gypsy screen the Arrow on the "Mat" is pointing Left on the LEFT you actually Don't follow the Load Mat at the top right of the Gypsy because you need to follow the ARROW on the side of the Gypsy Screen......Aye Yae Yae.....I made so much more work for myself.  

I need a good free Gypsy video.

 Pic of Gypsy Screen:

Pic of  paper for screen above

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