My sign is coming along, varnished and now drying. Can't wait to add the lights. I will hang a wooden lit up arrow with (No) Vacancy by chain under this sign.
My daughter wanted me to make the banner shape sideways to be different.
Varnish is dry. Lights added. This portion of the sign is done.
Once the camper is repainted to the right of the front door she will say: "A Thousand Stars in the Sky, But this one is Mine. " A tribute to Kathy Young and the Innocents' song that has been in heart since I was a child. It brings me back to being 7-10 years old living in Md and listening to my Mom and Dad's records. She was only 15 when she recorded that song, 5 years before I was born. I have loved anything to do with stars & moons ever since. Probably why I love camping and staring at the stars at night.